September 24, 2024

NEW AD: Congressman Kim Launches First Ad of General Election Taking on Corruption in Politics

MOORESTOWN N.J. — Today, Congressman Andy Kim announced the launch of a new statewide, seven-figure television ad, “Believe”, which will accompany digital and mail ads highlighting his work combating corruption and restoring trust in politics. Kim’s ad comes after the one-year anniversary of announcing running for the U.S. Senate following the indictment of then-Senator Bob Menendez.

“We have to fix our broken politics; it’s time to stop corruption and restore integrity,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “New Jersey families deserve public servants who will fight for them, not someone chasing their ego and ambition and trying to enrich themselves and their friends.”

Watch “Believe"

Believe Ad

“Believe” AD TEXT:

[Andy Kim V.O.]: Jersey politics has a certain reputation, but I believe we can change that.

I’m Andy Kim and in Congress, I championed the strongest anti-corruption bill in a generation.

And I wrote a new bill to ban politicians from getting rich off their influence and trading stocks.

Now, I’m running for Senate to put our families above the wealthy and elite insiders that give our state a bad name.

I approve this message, because Jersey can be better…

[Andy Kim]: But we have to believe.