August 21, 2024

Congressman Andy Kim’s Primetime Remarks at the DNC in Chicago, IL as Prepared

CHICAGO I.L. – Today, Congressman Andy Kim delivered remarks in primetime at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL. Below is video of the speech and his remarks as prepared below.


When I was a kid, my parents brought me to the Capitol and taught me that it’s sacred ground, a symbol of our democracy

When I got to Congress, I was excited to bring my little boys to the same beautiful building.

I asked them, “do you like the Capitol?”

My oldest, Austin, said, “I love the Capitol. And lower case too.”

They’re so sweet.

But shortly after, we saw something unimaginable – a mob tearing down flags, assaulting police officers.

That night, I walked into the rotunda. The floor was covered in broken glass and garbage. Strewn with the chaos unleashed by Donald Trump.

I thought, “how did it get this bad?”

So I did the only thing I could think of: I grabbed a trash bag and started cleaning up.

What I learned on January 6th is that all of us are caretakers for our great republic.

We can heal this country, but only if we try.

Many of you are doing your part – through your voices and votes.

Always remember, this chaos that we see, it doesn’t have to be this way.

I refuse to believe our kids are doomed to grow up in a broken America.

There is a hunger for a new generation of leadership.

Let’s choose Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Let’s do this for our kids and our grandkids.