August 7, 2024

Congressman Andy Kim Receives Endorsement from Planned Parenthood Action Fund in Race for U.S. Senate

MOORESTOWN N.J. – Today, Congressman Andy Kim announced the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) in his bid to become the next Senator from New Jersey. Founded over 100 years ago on the idea that women have the right to access the information and care they need to live strong and healthy lives, PPAF fights for reproductive rights and sexual health care for all, which includes the right to safe abortions and access to birth control. In their goal to advance reproductive rights, they educate and organize the public, mobilize voters, and promote candidates who advocate for reproductive freedom. Andy has previously been endorsed by PPAF in each of his past congressional races. As a candidate for the United States Senate, Andy has also been endorsed by both the New Jersey and national chapters of the National Organization for Women, and by Reproductive Freedom For All.

“In the wake of the 2022 Dobbs decision, we turned to leaders like Planned Parenthood Action Fund to help us unify, organize, and activate our communities to fight against Donald Trump and his party’s extremist views on reproductive freedoms,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “Now, Republicans have made clear that a national abortion ban is possible if they win this November; I am ready to do everything in my power to make sure that never becomes a reality and I know with PPAF’s help, voters will soundly reject Republicans anti-choice agenda this November.”

Today’s endorsement comes on the heels of an interview with the Bergen Record’s Charlie Stile in which Bashaw doubles down on his support of the Dobbs decision saying that efforts by states to effectively ban abortion access is the case, “working itself out”. He went on to dismiss the very real concerns of New Jerseyans whose lives and freedoms would be put at risk through a national abortion ban by saying, “I didn't get into this race to argue about social issues.”

Congressman Kim has been a fierce advocate for reproductive freedoms, equal rights, and closing the gender pay gap. Following the 2022 Dobbs decision, Kim supported and voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act, the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act, and the Right to Contraception Act. As the lead Democrat on the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, Kim has stood up for women in uniform, helping to protect reproductive freedoms through co-sponsoring the Access to Reproductive Healthcare for Service Members Act and has voted to strengthen protections for victims of sexual assault.

As a son of immigrants and a graduate from New Jersey public schools, Congressman Andy Kim has been proud to represent his home community in Congress. Andy is a young father of two little boys and represents a new generation of leadership stepping up to fix our broken politics. As a former national security official, Andy previously advised President Obama on counterterrorism and worked for four-star generals in Afghanistan.

Andy went on to win a congressional district that Trump won twice by defeating three consecutive self-funding republican millionaires. In his three terms in Congress, Andy has worked hard to lower costs for New Jersey families, help support small businesses through challenging times, and has battled House Republicans in the fight to restore protections for women in the aftermath of the 2022 Dobbs decision. Andy is now stepping up to run for senate to fight against corruption and restore integrity to public service.