July 30, 2024

New Jersey Citizen Action Endorses Andy Kim for US Senate

Newark, N.J. – Statewide advocacy organization New Jersey Citizen Action’s (NJCA) Political Action Committee (PAC) today endorsed Congressman Andy Kim for US Senate. NJCA endorsed Kim because of his unswerving dedication and service to his constituents, and for his unceasing efforts to help forge a stronger American democracy. NJCA has also collaborated closely with Congressman Kim in their mutual efforts to protect the Affordable Care Act and ensure healthcare access for millions of Americans.

“Congressman Andy Kim exemplifies what a lawmaker and public servant should be,” said NJCA Executive Director Dena Mottola Jaborska. “He sets a standard for integrity, accountability, and engagement with constituents that every elected official should aspire to. Kim’s actions are always guided by what is best for his constituents and his country, and this is also reflected in his decision to run for US Senate. He successfully took on the county line, which has greatly galvanized the growing democracy movement in New Jersey. Andy Kim is the leader we need in the US Senate at a time when our country’s democratic institutions are under threat.

“Kim first ran for Congress to help ensure everyday Americans would not be deprived of quality affordable healthcare. His legislative record reflects his continuing commitment to a federal government that works for everyone, not just for special interests, the wealthy, and the politically connected. Kim has championed legislation that brings our country closer to universal healthcare, invests in working families, protects our most vulnerable communities, and makes government and elected officials more accountable to their constituents. Kim will work tirelessly to strengthen our democratic institutions and make America a more just and equitable country. We wholeheartedly endorse him for US Senate,” she added.

"No one in New Jersey should have to decide between feeding their family or paying a healthcare bill, and NJCA continues to be a grassroots leader in fighting to protect those families across the state who aren't well-off and well-connected," said Congressman Andy Kim. "NJCA has been an incredible ally since I joined Congress and I look forward to continuing this partnership to make New Jersey a more inclusive state."