July 12, 2024

Congressman Andy Kim Receives Endorsement From New Jersey Organizing Project in Race for U.S. Senate

MOORESTOWN N.J. – Today, Congressman Andy Kim announced the endorsement of the New Jersey Organizing Project in his race for U.S. Senate. The NJOP is a statewide grassroots organization made up of everyday New Jerseyans who work to build community power to win solutions for issues that affect their daily lives. They have fought to protect New Jersey communities from things like extreme weather and sea level rise, have worked to end preventable overdoses and find fair recovery for survivors of natural disasters like Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Ida, and have stood up for the quality affordable care New Jersey families deserve.

“NJOP has grown into an incredible people-powered movement that has successfully helped New Jersey families receive life saving resources and compensation needed to get back on their feet following Superstorm Sandy,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “It has been an honor working with NJOP to help those in NJ-03 find relief, and I know our work together will only expand in the Senate to help families across the state.”

"[NJOP] played a role in getting Congressman Kim to where he is today – and since then, he’s stayed with us,” said NJOP in a statement announcing the endorsement. “Our new Senator can’t be someone who puts profits over people’s lives, and who only listens to corporations and donors with lots of money and fancy titles. We want a representative who will listen to us and work to govern alongside us.”

Throughout his time in Congress, Andy has been a consistent ally of the New Jersey Organizing Project. He was instrumental in helping secure Super Storm Sandy clawback relief, helped make FEMA forgiveness possible so that Jersey Shore towns did not have to pay back $26 million in federal loans taken out in the Sandy aftermath, and was instrumental in helping pass the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment Act to help with opioid addiction recovery. He also helped pass the Resilient Highways Act.

As a son of immigrants and a graduate from New Jersey public schools, Congressman Andy Kim has been proud to represent his home community in Congress. Andy is a young father of two little boys and represents a new generation of leadership stepping up to fix our broken politics. As a former national security official, Andy previously advised President Obama on counterterrorism and worked for four-star generals in Afghanistan.

Andy went on to win a congressional district that Trump won twice by defeating three consecutive self-funding republican millionaires. In his three terms in Congress, Andy has worked hard to lower costs for New Jersey families, help support small businesses through challenging times, and has battled House Republicans in the fight to restore protections for women in the aftermath of the 2022 Dobbs decision. Andy is now stepping up to run for senate to fight against corruption and restore integrity to public service.