May 22, 2024

Congressman Andy Kim Announces New TV and Radio Ads Ahead of June 4th Senate Primary

Moorestown, N.J. — Today, Congressman Andy Kim announced the launch of new TV and radio ads that will run through June 4th. The ad buys, which will total more than $370k in the final two weeks of the primary, will reach voters in the New York City media market.

The television ad, “Works For Us”, highlights Andy’s background of public service, working for President Obama and cleaning up the Capitol on January 6th, and offers examples of how Andy has already delivered for New Jersey residents in Congress, including working on legislation to take on Big Pharma, and stopping politicians from trading stocks for personal gain.

The new radio spot, “It’s Time”, highlights work Andy has done in Congress, like capping prescription drug costs for Medicare recipients and fighting Republicans to restore property tax deductions. Both ads further Andy’s commitment to be a US Senator who works for the people, not well-off and well-connected.

Watch “Works For Us"
Works For Us Ad

“Works for Us” AD TEXT:

[V.O.]: Government works great for big corporations and special interests, so we need a Senator who works for us.

Andy Kim worked for President Obama, then went to Congress to clean up Washington.

He took on pharmaceutical companies to make healthcare more affordable, and Andy wrote a new bill to stop politicians from trading stocks and using their power to get rich.

Washington works for them. Andy Kim works for us.

[Andy Kim]: “I’m Andy Kim and I approved this message.”


“It’s Time” AD TEXT:

[V.O.]: If we want a Senator who’ll work for New Jersey families, not big corporations and the wealthy … it’s time to vote for someone who’s already done it.

Andy Kim is a son of immigrants, grew up here and is raising two young sons here.

Andy went on to serve as a national security official under President Obama.

As a member of Congress, Andy stood up for our families by working tirelessly to lower costs for us.

He took on pharmaceutical companies to pass legislation to cap prescription drug costs for seniors, and is fighting to restore property tax deductions that Republicans took away.

In the Senate, he’ll take on corporate greed that’s driving up housing costs and food prices.

It’s time to put New Jersey families first. It’s time for Andy Kim for Senate.

[Andy Kim]: “I’m Andy Kim, Candidate for U.S. Senate, and I approved this message because I’ll always fight for New Jersey families.”