September 24, 2024

Congressman Andy Kim Talks Lowering Costs and Improving Crucial Services for Seniors in Tele-Town Hall with AARP Members

MOORESTOWN N.J. – This morning, Congressman Andy Kim held a tele-town hall with over 4000 AARP members, where he focused on improving access to critical services available for seniors and their caregivers, his own personal experience as a caregiver and how he plans to take those experiences to make change in the Senate, the need to make healthcare more affordable, and his accomplishments in Congress to lower costs and make life easier for seniors in New Jersey. The discussion was moderated by AARP Director of Advocacy, Evelyn Liebman.

“As someone with two aging parents, I see first-hand the challenges seniors and caregivers face everyday, and how important having a voice in the Senate will be in improving services and lowering costs,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “Hearing from AARP members today is a reminder that these issues are urgent; I’m ready to build on our work in lowering prescription drug costs so that every senior can afford the dignity and security they deserve."

In Congress, Andy has fought relentlessly for seniors. He introduced the Helping Seniors Afford Health Care Act and championed the Capping Drug Costs for Seniors Act, which capped annual healthcare costs at $2,000 for the 1.2 million New Jerseyans on Medicare Part D. Andy supported the Helping Seniors Afford Health Care Act to help more seniors and disabled Americans qualify for Medicare and Medicaid assistance, and helped pass the Medicare, Dental, Vision Benefit Act to expand Medicare coverage. He also opposes efforts to privatize Social Security.

As a son of immigrants and a graduate from New Jersey public schools, Congressman Andy Kim has been proud to represent his home community in Congress. Andy is a young father of two little boys and represents a new generation of leadership stepping up to fix our broken politics. As a former national security official, Andy previously advised President Obama on counterterrorism and worked for four-star generals in Afghanistan.

Andy went on to win a congressional district that Trump won twice by defeating three consecutive self-funding republican millionaires. In his three terms in Congress, Andy has worked hard to lower costs for New Jersey families, help support small businesses through challenging times, and has battled House Republicans in the fight to restore protections for women in the aftermath of the 2022 Dobbs decision. Andy is now stepping up to run for senate to fight against corruption and restore integrity to public service.