June 24, 2024

On Two-Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision, NJ Voters Can Only Trust One Senate Candidate to Protect Reproductive Freedoms: Andy Kim

MOORESTOWN, N.J. - Today, on the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s devastating Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, New Jersey voters face a clear choice in who they can trust to restore reproductive freedoms for women: pro-choice champion Congressman Andy Kim, or Trump-endorsing Republican multi-millionaire, Curtis Bashaw who proudly declared, “I support the Dobbs decision.”

“It’s shameful that Curtis Bashaw wholeheartedly supports the Supreme Court’s horrific Dobbs decision that took away women’s rights,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “Let’s be clear here — Bashaw voted for Trump, would vote for extremist anti-abortion Supreme Court justices if elected to the Senate, and opposes national legislation to protect reproductive rights for women. He has no place representing New Jersey families in the Senate.”

Here’s Curtis Bashaw’s real record on women’s reproductive freedoms:

In direct contrast, Congressman Andy Kim has been a consistent ally for the women of New Jersey in Congress and will be a champion for them in the Senate:

As a son of immigrants and a graduate from New Jersey public schools, Congressman Andy Kim has been proud to represent his home community in Congress. Andy is a young father of two little boys and represents a new generation of leadership stepping up to fix our broken politics. As a former national security official, Andy previously advised President Obama on counterterrorism and worked for four-star generals in Afghanistan. Andy went on to win a Congressional district that Trump won twice by defeating three consecutive self-funding republican millionaires. In his three terms in Congress, Andy has worked hard to lower costs for New Jersey families and help support small businesses through challenging times. Andy is now stepping up to run for senate to fight against corruption and restore integrity to public service.